Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Can't Not

So, I had this MASSIVE headache all day from lights in a classroom. #sensitivitytolight #sjogrens

THEN I got some serious ankle/foot pain from staying in the same knees on the bottom of the not so warm pool position for a couple of hours. #jointpain #stiffness #sensitivitytocold #RA

After the pool, I had to review some things for a test tomorrow #fuckyoumath and I was unconsciously putting pressure on my temples for the headache. The instructor noticed and asked me if I was stressed #fromthefuckyoumath. I said I just had a headache from the lights (which probably sounded #weirdandwhiny.) She asked if I wanted to review the material tomorrow and this was my sincere thought (I even almost said it out loud):
"If I let every symptom of my #motherfuckingtrifectaof disease(s) stop me from doing things, I'd never do anything. Most of the time you won't notice I'm in pain #ImAlwaysInPain or I have a fever #iprobablydo or some weird ass thing is going on in my body or I caught some cold or germ from some person on the other side of town or my vision/coordination/strength/energy/mouth/foot/hand/toe/vagina/fingernail/one brain cell/fuckingwhothefuckknows is doing something completely weird that I couldnt explain to you without a full set of wikipedia pages and a youtube video or two about my #goddamnedmotherfuckingtrifectaof disease(s). So just do what I do and ignore it like it isnt there unless I collapse or just get so sick of it I tell you I HAVE TO STOP. But if you could give me a piggy back ride home, THAT would be awesome, cause I really don't want to walk."

But I just said something else instead.

I finally got home at 7pm and downed ibuprofen like a fiend and I feel as better as I ever do. Maybe I will get that piggy back ride another day.



PS. I found out today I have to swim half a mile again. #IdRatherDoMath

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