Thursday, November 6, 2014

Hemingway to Jones

I think Im an nearing the end of my get-drunk-every-night-and-unhealthily-cope-with-my-problems-by-trying-to-drown-them-in-alcohol-and-salt-water phase and I'm ready I suppose to go back to being somewhere in the middle between former Shano and Mexico Shano. Turns out... it doesn't really work for me to try to kill real life by escaping into margaritas and cervesas. So I will,as always, remain jealous of people who find their way out of reality by keeping it drown or drugged.

Hemingway would be proud of my time this time around in Mexico. He and I would've sat side by side at the end of the familiar bar and toasted to life-forgetting. But, it turns out, I will forever be unable to avoid the fact that I am more of a Bridget Jones. Fumbling around awkwardly and laughing when I make a fool of myself, confessing all my ridiculousness on paper, and then giggling wildly. I am no Hemingway and Hunter S. Thompson and I will never meet in the next life and find that our experiences were shared. But, it was fun for the time and it was worth a try. Now, I think I am nearing the end of this experience and time to move to the next attempt at figuring myself out.

Life is not made rich through a collection of material possessions but through a collection of meaningful and meaningless experiences. And in that regard, I am positively a billionaire! A fumbling, silly, awkward, non-Hemingway billionaire!

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Here I am again. Frozen in a time that's both familiar and new. The merry go round has come around again and I am captured in another ...