Friday, February 27, 2015

Snow skiing off a cliff high

I just gaze at all of you couples that have been together for years and years in absolutely, utterly confused, astonished awe and sincerely have no idea how you do it. I'm better at calculus and quantam physics than I am at figuring out how to do what you all are doing.

I am bad at snow skiing. So I don't snow ski. I tried it a few times and determined that I just dont need to do something I clearly suck at. I feel like I am going to die, literally die, when I stand on a bungee jump platform. So I don't even go up there and I certainly don't jump. Smoking marijuana generally makes me feel like the world around me is a terrifying place. So I don't smoke marijuana. So, why do I keep trying to be in a relationship. It's abundantly clear that I'm more qualified to snow ski off a cliff in bungee gear while high than to attempt to engage in a meaningful relationship with the opposite sex. And I'd probably enjoy it A LOT more.


(That last period wasn't a typo)

1 comment:

  1. It's not easy! AT ALL EVER! If you knew how many times I swore I'd leave my husband if I was on the mainland you'd wonder why I'm still here. I could seriously go home at any time but instead I choose to stay because I love him. I've been beaten and abused but he's gotten help and we're on a way better path now. Everything isn't always hunky dory but it's worth sacrificing. I knew he had demons when we got married. I didn't realize how bad it was but I saw the potential. He just had to see the error of his ways. It took over a year of counseling but I believe we'll be ok now. I hope ya'll can find a happy place for ya'll and if not.... well you are living your dreams and working on your dream career so you'll figure things out for yourself. Good luck dear.



Here I am again. Frozen in a time that's both familiar and new. The merry go round has come around again and I am captured in another ...