I've been accused a time or two of centering my life around relationships, love, and men. Maybe it is true. I have spent a great deal of time, energy and myself investing in boom or bust drilling into a relationship. Most of my wells have dried up and left me to start over again and look for another place to drill. It is true. Maybe I have always been addicted to love. Might as well face it. But, I look around and realize, I'm not alone. I've had 4 conversations today. 2 with people in new relationships. 1 with a person divorcing. And 1 with a married person struggling. Its 2:30pm. This is all pretty typical. These conversations.
We are just animals, after all, doing what animals do; looking for a mate. Something primal in us is seeking it all the time. But we are intelligent. We have free will. We know of this thing called happiness and we want to find it and keep it. This complicates that mating process. As the years go by, our hormonal, natural, primal instict toward mating and thus love gets convuluted by experiences. Some of us give up altogether on the idea of love and gravitate toward meaningless human connection to satiate the need to mate. Some of us keep searching for love and hold on to the notion that mating is sacred and supposed to be for life. Some of us lick our wounds and hide in our dens as long as we can stand and rage against the very idea of love and mating and human connection. But all of us have an opinion. All of us have a strategy. All of us center on it at least a little bit. All of us.
Look around. Look inside. It's true. Love or lack thereof is tied to so much of our lives. Look around. I'm trying to pull away from it but I recognize it deep in my core. The need. Basic animal need.
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